Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dec 12th :)

Today we learned how to use Google documents as tool to share ideas with classmates.
I knew Google document before this class, but this is first time to do peer review on Google documents.
I think Google document is very useful to improve our essays.
This is because we don't have to take time to see our partners to get some advices.
For example, we cannot see two people's essays at the same time, so if one read the other one's essay you have to wait for one of them to read the other one's essay.
It was very good if I could have used Google documents both in spring and autumn term to improve my essays.


Today we learned how to use Zotero.
This is very useful method, because we don't have to make biography or citation by myself.
I used to make these staffs by looking LBH and finding how to make each MLA biography.
This took me so much time and I was thinking that it was very meaningless work for me.
However now  I know how to Zotero, so I can save lots of time to make biograohy or citation.
This is very good for me to save my time!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank Rab for telling us how to use it!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Discussion about Ethics.

Today we had our class in nomal class room and we discussed ethical matters.
The topic we discussed was that who should we rescue first from the tunnel.
There were many people we should rescue and it was very difficult to choose people.
We were given some profile about each person. For example, a man who is alcoholic, a scientist who study HIV, a sports teacher, a fat woman, a woman who have affair with another guy and so on.
It is very difficult to judge people by only these information.
This is because when I said that a man who is alcoholic should not be rescued first Rab told us that what if the reason why he became alcoholic is that his wife cheated on him.
Then Rab also asked this question, " Do you care about the reasons or backgrounds? Or do you care about only the results?". Then I realized that I always care about the reasons or backgrounds not the results. However there are many friends in BC who only care about results. Each people think in different way.
Ethics depend on people's way of thinking. There are no general ethics which all people accept.
Ethics is different from people to people depending on their culture, religion, backgrounds or personalities.
This first discussion is very interesting for me , because it is very different from discussions we did in spring or autumn term. We didn't use ELP reader and did discussion about ethics freely.
I think this discussion is more meaningful than just reading ELP reader and answering questions about ELP readers.
I could think about ethics and people's perspective deeply in this discussion!!!
I am very excited to do new discussion next non-computer class;)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The second class :)

Today we learned about how to use Google Reader, Google Books and Google scholar.
Google Reader is very useful, because we can read all articles from different websites in google reader.
I will use this system for my essay and so on.
Google Books is also amazing, because we can read books free.I wish I had known this in spring and autumn term. Now I can use my google calendar to check my schedule.
It is amazing we can do these all things by computer. What a wonderful century!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The first class :)

Today we learned about Rab's class policy and what we will do in this term by using computer method.
Rab's policy is quite symple. The first one is not to sleep and the second one is to make attention when he speaks.I've known that Rab's primary policy  is not to sleep in his class because of NP lectures' experience.
I saw students who sleep in his lecture were scolded by Rab in NP lectures : p
The very different point from other ARW teachers in spring and autumn term is that RAB put importance on using computer method especially MAC. ( unfortunately my PC is WINDOWs )
I think it is true that we should use these method in 21th century education.
I should've known ZOTERO more earlier.In Lynn's class we always been cautioned about the use of citation or documentation form.By ZOTERO we can do these things in a minute.
Anyway it was very nice to join in RAB's class. I am sooooooooooo excited to do projects, presentation and essay. ( Actually I've always wished that Essay should be longer.)
I thought that Rab is quite nice person and I wish we can go his house someday like last program C class : )